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Chemical Peels For Beauty Enhancement

Chemical peel are a well-proven cosmetic procedure that has been used for decades. Millions of Americans have yearly chemical peels to improve their skin's appearance and diminish the signs of aging. This procedure was once only available to women who had to go to a dermatologist's office. This is an invasive procedure and should only be performed by a professional. However, with the introduction of the medical spa/medi-spa, women now have the option to enjoy a day spa environment while still being treated by the proper medical professional.

Chemical Peel DC can be used to smoothen the texture of facial skin. The chemical solution is used for the purpose of causing dead skin to peel off. The new skin that forms over the old skin is often smoother and less wrinkled. New skin can give you a younger look and a glowing complexion.

Are chemical peels painful?

The depth of the chemical peel will determine how painful it is. The superficial peels, such as those sold over-the-counter or given at day spas, only treat the outermost layers of the skin. These types of peels can cause a mild burning sensation. Deeper peels, such as those done at medical spas and dermatologist offices, can cause pain. To ease pain, deep peels are often combined with intravenous sedation or pain medication. Patients with sensitive skin should inform their doctor about their skin type to allow them to alter the chemical peel program.

There is very little pain after the procedure is completed. Itching is common, however. Itching can be relieved with certain medications as the skin heals. To ensure your skin heals properly, it is important that you follow all instructions given by your doctor after you leave the clinic. Infection or scarring can occur if the skin isn't properly cared for after a chemical treatment. It is not a good idea to have an invasive cosmetic procedure that leaves you with worse skin.

Different types of chemical peels

There are many types of peels. The deeper and more intense the peel is, the more visible the results. There are several types of peels that patients have the option to choose from:

Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peels

Beta Hydroxy acid peels

o Jessner’s Peel

o Retinoic Acid Peel

o Trichloroacetic acid peels

o Phenol peels


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