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Laser Body Sculpting


Consider the alternatives available. It seems like laser body shaping is much more sensible than traditional liposuction.

Some doctors are worried about the situation.Body Sculpting DC  Some physicians believe that over the course of time, the fatty oils released can harm the liver. In other areas of the world it has been performed for about 10 years, giving some credence to this procedure. A second concern expressed by many about body contouring lasers is cost. It's much more expensive than liposuction. Many people prefer the cheaper traditional liposuction.

However, cost is not the sole factor that should be taken into consideration. For traditional liposuction, a general anesthetic will be required. The procedure is therefore more dangerous. It is possible to perform laser body shaping while a patient is awake. A minor but still significant risk factor is minimized.

It is also known that traditional liposuction causes bleeding and swelling. A long, painful recovery is the result. It is the heat that seals in the wounds. Reduces swelling, bleeding and pain. It is natural to experience a more rapid and painless healing process.

The traditional method of liposuction can also be criticized by many because they are not happy with the final results. Fat is removed but skin still remains stretched, droopy and loose. A problem may be removed but a second one will appear in its place. You just spent thousands of pounds to have your body looking better. But you don't like the way it looks after you finish?

It is much easier to achieve a positive outcome with laser body shaping. Because the laser produces collagen as a byproduct, there is no sagging or drooping of skin.

Collagen makes our skin tight and elastic. Skin that is droopy and sagging will naturally become more beautiful when the body produces collagen.

Laser body sculpting also has the advantage that its probe is much smaller than those used for conventional liposuction. As a result, the procedure is less invasive and risky than traditional liposuction. This smaller probe requires a small incision for its insertion. It reduces scarring.

Both types of surgical fat removal can work depending on your personal needs and finances. Liposuction can permanently eliminate that stubborn fat for a significantly lower price. Laser body sculpting, however, produces better results while requiring a shorter recovery period.


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